A Tally

OK. Bonzo, we are going to do 55 adventures before January 28th, 2014. So, I’d better keep a score:

Love this motto!
Love this motto!

Going backwards, starting in late October

  1. Retirement!  I agreed to take a redundancy and will finish my formal time with the college at the end of December. So, the big Freedom 55 adventure looms.
  2. We bought recreational land near Beaver Mines!!! This purchase should count for at least 10 different adventures.  Each time I go out, I take a different walk or travel a different road. I am getting used to carrying bear spray, identifying critter scat, following animal tracks, and just being in touch with nature again.  Wonderful!
  3. Going to Waterton; Hiking Bear’s Hump and Red Rock Canyon – something I haven’t done for a few years.  IT was also Val’s firs time up Bear’s HUmp.  So I think this day counts as part of the adventure.
  4. Nachos and drinks at Twin Butte Mexican Restaurant:  On our way back to the cabin, we stopped at Twin Butte’s Mexican Restaurant for nachos supreme.  I haven’t been to Twin Butte since the 1980’s. So, I think that trip counts as an adventure!
  5. Hiking to Bertha Lake -Val, Sue Bodie and I hiked to BErtha Falls. I found the uphill part to be quite a cardio challenge, but otherwise not that difficult compared to our hikes of this past summer.
  6. Dragon Boating: I started back to Dragon Boating. This year we fielded a women’s team. We had an absolute blast!  In early September we journeyed to Big Fork, Montana to participate in my first ever international dragon boat competition.  After two months of training, we really improved.  Our team posted our best ever time.  I can’t describe how much I love being out on the boat, feeling the water move beneath my paddle, soaring toward the finish line.  It is unbelievably AWESOME!

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